jueves, 4 de junio de 2009


Unattainable and ardent, semaphores
in this intersection to go down on destinations
that are lost and do not return year after year
in bitter love of a deserted road.
Sara and unattainable, so is the destination of your choice.
All you will pardon the burning
of the lips endless. A Suspected.

Ricard Mirabete (2009)

2 comentarios:

  1. The metaphore "semaphores/ in this intersection", and the final "A Suspected", are very pleasant for me. I have experienced a similar situation, who has not?

    Felicitats pel domini de l'idioma i del poema.

  2. Congratulation! you've got a very interesting blog. I love reading your English poems. They're fantastic. I think that's very difficult and when I read you It seems very easy.
    I'll go back!
